Academic Common Market

Academic Common Market

The PGA Golf Management Program at Mississippi State University is approved for the Academic Common Market (ACM) through the Southern Regional Education Board.

“The Academic Common Market allows a student to enroll in an undergraduate or graduate program at a university in another state without having to pay out-of-state tuition if that program of study is not offered by the public institutions in the student’s home state”.

Southern Regional Education Board Website

Students must complete an application to their home state for consideration for the Academic Common Market. The minimum requirements for participation in the ACM include:

  • ACT Composite score of 22, sub scores of 19 in Math and English
  • Core High School GPA of 2.75

The following states participate in the Southern Regional Education Board:

Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida* (graduate only)
Georgia Kentucky* Louisiana Maryland*
Mississippi* Oklahoma* South Carolina* Tennessee*
Texas*(graduate only) Virginia West Virginia  

* States with existing PGA Golf Management Universities

Applications may be found by visiting, and clicking on the Academic Common Market tab at the top of the website. Please select participating states and click on the state’s link to find the application form. Completed application forms must be sent to the state representative.